
About this website

What's this site?

This site is intended to be a single place where I can collect pretty much everything I create or am interested in. Right now I'm still working on getting things going, but eventually I'd like it to contain...

  • A personal blog
  • Various web dev projects
  • My thoughts on media and info about what I've been into lately
  • Links to other websites that I find interesting
  • Repository for any files I want to host online
  • Whatever else I decide to put out on the internet

What is this website written in?

All of the server-side code for this website was written in Java, using the wonderful Spring Framework. I'm using the thymeleaf templating engine to insert dynamic content.

Database stuff is using a managed MySQL db solution from DigitalOcean. This is absolutely overkill, but it's a bit more "fun" than just using SQLite, right?

Media is hosted from an S3 bucket, so I don't need to worry about actually managing any of it. It's much easier to just toss it into a bucket and forget about it than it is to actually track and manage it within the server's filesystem.

Most of my other server-side work (including the stuff I do at my actual job) is in Python, so this is all new to me, and has been a learning experience! Please be understanding about any bugs you might encounter.

Future plans

I have a variety of web pages that I've made in the past and would like to eventually port over to this page instead. I've already moved the Oblivion Dialog Tool and the GameBoy Camera Filter pages onto this site. Eventually I want to incorporate the image board and forum functionality from my old website (not currently in the best shape) over to this one.