
Slowbot Reference

General Info

If you're not a member of my discord server, nothing on this page will mean anything to you.

The main purpose of this bot is to engage in roleplay with users, through the use of Large Language Models.

There are a few key concepts to know about when using the bot:

  • Conversation - Also sometimes called a thread. A conversation represents a roleplay with a specific character. Each conversation has its own prompt, character name, pinned context, conversation history, and name mappings.
  • Prompt - Text that tells the model how to behave. Each conversation has a prompt. It can be replaced at any time
  • Pinned Context - Additional pieces of information that get tacked onto the prompt. This is useful for adding things temporarily. Users can add, remove, or list pinned context for the current conversation at any time.
  • Conversation History - Messages between the users and the bot are saved, letting the roleplay develop over time. If you clear the history it wipes the slate clean.
  • Name Mapping - Each user has, per thread, a setting that tells the bot what character they're playing as. This creates a connection between the user's discord account and the character name. Users can set their name as many times as they like, or see what other users' names are.


Messages will sometimes have reactions attached to them. These can be used to control the bot and the current conversation state.

  • ❌Click on this to delete the message. If you're in a conversation, it will also be deleted from the conversation history.
  • 👑Messages with this emoji are "SYSTEM" messages. The bot will take them more seriously.
  • ↩ī¸Click on this to undo the interaction. This will delete the message as well as the user message that it was a reply to.
  • 🔄Click on this to retry the AI generated message. You can retry as many times as you'd like until the message is fun.
  • đŸĻ™Messages with this emoji were generated by Llama 3.1, the good text model.
  • Ⓜī¸Messages with this emoji were generated by the lower quality Mixtral model as a fallback option.

Command Reference

In Thread Commands


Clear the history of the conversation happening in this thread


content The content of the message that will be sent as an "assistant" message.

Send a message as the bot's character. This will make it seem like the bot said something that it didn't


Generates a transcript of the conversation so far. The transcript is outputted to a text file and attached to the message.

Conversation Settings


Shows the current conversation's entire saved prompt. If the prompt is too long, it is attached as a text file.


prompt A base description that the bot will use for its personality and mannerisms

Replace the prompt for the current conversation


character_name The new character name

Set the character's name for the current conversation

Conversation Management


include_ids Include the thread ids in the output
detailed Include more details about the threads
count Number of threads to list

Link all threads registered in the db.


thread_id id of the thread to delete.
thread_name name of the thread to delete.

DANGEROUS! Delete the thread with the given ID or name.


name Name for the conversation
prompt A base description that the bot will use for its personality and mannerisms
model The name of the OpenAI model to use (gpt-3.5-turbo or gpt-4)
multiplayer_mode Whether to use 'Multiplayer Mode' (users treated separately)

Create a new chatbot conversation


name Name for the conversation
prompt A base description that the bot will use for its personality and mannerisms
character_name The character's name for the RP
multiplayer_mode Whether to use 'Multiplayer Mode' (users treated separately)

Create a chat bot that has been told to engage in roleplay

Name Management


new_name the new name to go by

Change your name within this thread, if multiplayer mode is enabled


See the names people are using in this thread


Toggle whether you're an observer in this conversation

Context Management


content the pinned message's content

Add a SYSTEM message the bot will 'remember'


List the pinned context for the current conversation


Get the pinned context for the current conversation


context_id id number of the pinned context to delete
content the pinned message's content

Replace pinned context with the given id number


context_id id number of the pinned context to delete

Delete pinned context with the given id number


Clear the pinned context for the current conversation



Jump to the beginning of this conversation


Jump to the beginning of the context window

Snapshot Management


snapshot_name Name for the snapshot
description Description for the snapshot
emoji Emoji to use for the snapshot

Freeze a chat in time for use as a quick command


List all available snapshots


snapshot_name Name for the snapshot
content What the bot will respond to
include_username Include your username

Call a snapshotted bot for one-time use


snapshot_name Name for the snapshot

Delete a snapshotted bot


character_name Name of the character to summon

Summon a different chatbot to weigh in on the current situation



prompt Image generation prompt

Generate an image from a description



Get an obscure YouTube video


Visualize the current conversation